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About Golfito

The canton of Golfito is located in the extreme southeast of Costa Rica, in the province of Puntarenas. Its main city is Golfito, which is a city located in a small bay of the Golfo Dulce.

The city of Golfito is linear as it is located on a strip of land on the riverbank, between Golfito Bay and a hill. To the north there is a duty-free zone, called the Golfito Free Commercial Deposit, and there is also the airport.

On the other hand, there is the district, which has an area of 345.60 km2. This district is on mountains and has trails from which you can reach the Golfito National Wildlife Refuge, which has an altitude of 505 m above sea level. Being a mountainous area, it has some of the highest peaks in the jungle of Central America, to which must be added that it is one of the wettest areas in the world.

Excursions or yacht rides, and water sports, including surfing, are very popular, since among the beaches of Golfito there are some that have excellent conditions for practicing it.


Destinations In Golfito


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